Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is my very generic version of a chart. But I hope you see the numbers. Over 3,ooo have died (just on our side) in this war. Over 100,000 Iraqi's have died. Even though I'm sure no one cares about them. The numbers are beyond staggering. I haven't even put the Cost of the damn war up here. I can't wrap my mind around 378 Billion. But there isn't enough money for healtcare. And let's not even talk about when I retire. There will be nothing. For me or no one else. So what are we going to do about this useless, frivilous spending and draining of resources that the people we "elected" are doing? We have to have more of a collective voice. Especially us black ppl who has forgotten about fighting the good fight without resources. And now that we have some resources we act like everything is ok. Please look at the statistics ppl. Everything is not o.k. Far from it!!!!

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