Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is my very generic version of a chart. But I hope you see the numbers. Over 3,ooo have died (just on our side) in this war. Over 100,000 Iraqi's have died. Even though I'm sure no one cares about them. The numbers are beyond staggering. I haven't even put the Cost of the damn war up here. I can't wrap my mind around 378 Billion. But there isn't enough money for healtcare. And let's not even talk about when I retire. There will be nothing. For me or no one else. So what are we going to do about this useless, frivilous spending and draining of resources that the people we "elected" are doing? We have to have more of a collective voice. Especially us black ppl who has forgotten about fighting the good fight without resources. And now that we have some resources we act like everything is ok. Please look at the statistics ppl. Everything is not o.k. Far from it!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Celebrate Women

After reading Alec's blog . I realize we need more female Super Heroes. Where are the ladies of history that we are in awe of for their courage. In celebration of Women's History Month please take a moment to honor or remember a woman who you know is a Hero even if not celebrated my the masses. I do love Wonder Woman even though you have to wonder if she can breathe in that corset. Can a female hero be sexy? As long as she's smart, who cares. As long as she does'nt dumb herself down to make her hubby happy. Celebrate a Super Woman. A woman of strength, courage, intelligence!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Stop the War!!!!!

I have a feeling this war isn't going to end soon. But I guess the trying is worth it. Sometimes even within the protesting I wonder is anyone really listening. I go to some peace and justive events and I see the same ppl that were at all the other ones. And I have to ask myself where are the people who could really benefit from this information. They obviously are'nt seeking out the movements meanwhile are the main ones who should. The ones who are coming out know all the BS already so I feel like their preaching to the choir sometimes. But please take some kind of stand. Vote, shout, sing, dance

Friday, March 2, 2007


For those with way too much time on their hands. I believe the kitties are "Gemini's" (yes they have split personalities). It's scary because they are just like their signs: Intelligent and talkative!! I know PJ's won't shut the hell up but she is pretty smart. Now Pups on the smarts......hard to say because he's such a bad assssssss! Or maybe he's a smart ass! I obviously have to much time on my hands too!! I wish they could have been born a month earlier and they could be a Taurus like their mommies! Then we would really have trouble with them :)